Mission of Flathead Valley Youth Chorus

The mission of the Flathead Valley Youth Chorus is to provide children grades 3-6 the opportunity to develop choral performance skills under the direction of accomplished music professionals and experience the joy of sharing their music through community performances.

Our Impact

Our hope is that, through participating in the mission, singers in the FVYC experience the following benefits:

  • Positive, healthy, safe after-school activity

  • Building musical skills (healthy singing technique, music reading, intonation and ensemble awareness, etc.)

  • Community connection (working collaboratively with people from different backgrounds and different values; building an appreciation of our shared humanity through music)

  • Soft skills to last a lifetime (discipline, confidence, teamwork, listening skills, emotional regulation, empathy, etc.)

  • Educational enrichment

  • Friendships and belonging

  • Exposure to different languages and cultural expressions 

  • Proven positive impact on mental health

  • Cognitive development