What are the benefits of choral rehearsal?

Group choral rehearsals give an opportunity to sing with other children who are singing correctly, which enhances their understanding of true vocal production. The vocal production taught in the FVYC rehearsals is consistent with what is learned in individual lessons, but in a more social environment and in an age appropriate manner.

Is there an audition?

Yes! The number of students accepted is limited to 60. Audition information can be found on the Audition Page.

What is the cost of participation?

Tuition for participation will be $225/semester (Semester one: September-December; Semester 2: January-April). FVYC maintains a commitment to eliminating finance as a barrier to participation. We have generous donors who have helped create a scholarship fund to offset any tuition hardships. Please contact info@fvyc.org for more information.

Why does participation cost so much?

Bringing quality music education instruction to young musicians is no small task. Here is a comparison of other activity costs around the state and country.

  • Helena Youth Symphony: $150 per semester

  • Dance (Kalispell-based): ~$300 / semester plus costume/uniform fees

  • Private lessons: ~ $300 / semester ($75/month)

The price point for FVYC ($225/semester) allows us to bring quality music education to students, at a comparable rate to other youth performing arts activities.

Why choir instead of private lessons?

In young people, the vocal physiology is not fully developed until students get past puberty.  When students try to emulate an adult solo voice (especially early on, we learn to create sounds, whether spoken or sung, by imitation) chances of vocal damage are high. Even the best of teachers cannot see physical damage that is interior. Additionally, the literature used for such lessons is usually designed for more advanced voices both in technical demand and life experience. Finally, it is hard to start serious study before puberty as the concentration needed to focus solely on the technical aspects of vocal production for the length of time needed in a practice session is unnecessarily and inappropriately demanding on children of this age.

Are their scholarships available?

Yes! Our vision is that no student interested in participating should be prevented from participating because of financial need. Students and families in need of financial assistance should reach out to info@fvyc.com for more information.

What age of students are able to participate in the Flathead Valley Youth Chorus?

For the 2024-2025 season, students enrolled in 3rd-6th grades in the fall of 2024 are eligible to participate.

Will choir be a good experience for my child?

Yes! Choir is a great way for beginning singers to gain musical skills and confidence in a group setting. If your child enjoys music and singing, the children’s choir provides them with a fun and inviting setting for them to pursue their interests and grow in their knowledge.

What college/career benefits are there from singing?

Many colleges and businesses look favorably upon students who have shown the dedication and commitment required to be involved with any musical organization. Students who learn to work in a choral setting gain skills in organization, listening and attention to detail. They are more successful in interview situations and show confidence in all areas of performance. Many colleges offer scholarships to students of voice, without requiring them to be a music major. This allows them to continue to sing and study voice in an academic environment, without incurring extra expense.

What is the schedule for participation?

The Flathead Valley Youth Chorus will rehearse on Thursday nights from 4:15-5:15PM at Flathead High School. Performance dates will be on Sundays at Flathead High School. Performances are tentatively scheduled for November 24th, 2024 and April 27th, 2025.